Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

Special Tree : Agarwood

Indonesia is the world's largest manufacturer of aloe with best quality. Agarwood-producing trees sapwood (the deepest part of the aloe tree in the colors black, dark brown, reddish brown with a strong fragrance) the best that is in accordance with the conditions of natural production in Indonesia may already be extinct. He was left with trees that have a higher susceptibility properties.
Agarwood is a commodity of elite non-timber forest products that are currently in demand by consumers both in and outside the country. Aloes or Agarwood, aleawood, eaglewood and jinkoh have high sales value. The scarcity of trees in natural forests gaharu trade led to the origin of all species of aloes and Grynops Aqularia be set in the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) and restricted exports in the quota.
Currently, Indonesia is positioned to take an active role in saving the production of agarwood by diverting production from natural aloe aloes made. Thus in the future, Indonesia will enter the era of the cultivation of aloes, or take a more popular word aloes "non-CITES quota".
With the theme "Towards a Sustainable Agarwood Production in Indonesia", School of Forestry and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in cooperation with the Ministry of Forestry IPB RI and supported by Sinarmas Forestry, Perhutani, the International Timber Trade Organization, Asgarin and held a National Seminar on Biodiversity Foundation I Eaglewood at IPB International Convention Center (12/11). This theme is taken as an expression of public concern observers of aloe to the demands of the world the importance of sustainable production of gaharu in Indonesia.
Attending the event, Minister of Forestry, Zulkifli Hasan, SE, MM, for the opening ceremony, accompanied by the Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs areas of IPB, Prof.Dr.Ir. Yonny Koesmaryono, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, Dr. Hendrayanto, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics IPB, Dr. Hasim, officials from the Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia, researchers, and observers of aloes Indonesia.
Forestry Minister says Indonesia's natural wealth should we preserve as much as possible for the prosperity of the people. "So far, the results from the production of aloe aloes are always detrimental to farmers. Eg from the sale of 40% aloe to owners of capital, 20% for licensing, production processes and the rest to the farmers. It will not prosper the people, "he added.
Considering the natural collecting gaharu is a resident of residents around the forest, then the production system to be developed should be community-based forest edge. Therefore the area of ​​governance that provide incentives for communities to consider the forest edge.
"Trees are very large market aloes. Containing aloe "mastic" and when burned release a distinctive aroma can be processed into aloes, souvenirs, incense and incense makmul, perfume, medicine and for cosmetic ingredients. Countries with large populations like China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand is the aloe market. So that should be conserved and that aloes should develop experts from IPB, "he said when interviewed.Since 2003, agarwood export quota declining steadily to about 125 tons / year for each species. Within this quota restrictions, production can only meet about 10-20% of market demand, so the market opportunity is still open.
Menhut added to maintain the sustainability of our environment as well as exports, but must be conserved, aloes also be produced artificially in aloe cultivation. Gaharu trees have been planted more than 1750 ha in Indonesia and this became the basis of capital towards the sustainable production of agarwood in Indonesia.Meanwhile, production of pig aloes involving microorganisms (ie, a type of fungus fusarium and acremonium). Mechanism of formation of oleo resin (mastic) gaharu is the result of interactions between trees and microorganisms before.
With the process of cultivation, mushroom farmers inject into the aloe tree when he was stepped on five years. Of the fungus infection, aloe take the fight to remove oleo resin compound.
One kilogram pig aloes with the best quality sold for 30 million dollars. Agarwood Aquilaria malaccensis species endemic area in Sumatra (10 trees / ha) and Kalimantan (9 trees / ha). For this type of Aquilaria filarial endemic area in Papua (60 trees / ha), Maluku (30 trees / ha) and Sulawesi (7 trees / ha). And for the type sp Gyrinops endemic area in West Nusa Tenggara (8 trees / ha) and NTT (7 trees / ha).

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